Transcriptional trajectories of human kidney injury progression

We investigated a complex clinical condition applying an unsupervised computational strategy, which integrates genome-wide expression analysis in heterogeneous groups of patients to identify and characterize shared trajectories of disease …

Quantile Normalization and Inverse Normal Transform

[image] # Caption (optional) caption = “Image credit: Unsplash” # Focal point (optional) # Options: Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight focal_point = “” Dependency This post demonstrate the following: Quantile Normalization implemented in R package preprocessCore. Inverse-Normal-Transform implemented in RNOmni source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("preprocessCore") install.packages("RNOmni") library(preprocessCore) library(RNOmni) General Princinples Quantile Normalization Simplest way to put it: Quantile normalization is a technique for making different distributions have the same statistical property by “aligning”" their quantiles.

Late B lymphocyte action in dysfunctional tissue repair following kidney injury and transplantation

The mechanisms initiating the late immune response to allografts are poorly understood. Through transcriptome analysis of serial protocol biopsies in kidney transplant recipients, we found a tight correlation between the initial response to kidney …

Gitbook example

A full scientific report with R markdown, formatted as `gitbook`.

Gene Viz 1.0(R Shiny Dashboard)

I created this R Shiny App to supplement my this [publication](asd). It pre-loads tens of thousands genes(take a few seconds) and support fuzz search. Researcher could investigate the gene expression in this kidney injury setting changes by interactive scatter plot and heatmap. Click `draw plot` to go!